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The country attaches great importance to the localization of high-end medical devices

publish:2024-04-30 11:48:16   views :12
publish:2024-04-30 11:48:16  

At this year's National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Wu Mingjiang, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and former vice president of the Chinese Medical Association, submitted a proposal to comprehensively promote the improvement, innovation, and development of medical devices in China. This proposal proposes several suggestions around basic research on medical devices, construction of standard systems, effective integration of production and demand, and encouragement of the development of domestically produced medical devices.

Wu Mingjiang said that as of the end of 2015, there were over 14000 medical device manufacturing enterprises in China, of which nearly 90% had a production scale of less than 20 million yuan, only over 300 had a production scale of over 100 million yuan, and more than 2600 were able to produce high-end products.

The relevant government departments have strengthened top-level design, built a platform for communication between production and demand, promoted interactive exchanges and technological breakthroughs among industry, academia, research, and medicine, and achieved localization of a number of core equipment and key components, effectively increasing the market share of some domestically produced medical devices. At the same time, we will strengthen the research on fundamental and important engineering technologies in the industry, and enhance the research and service capacity building of specialized manufacturing equipment, testing equipment, process technology, reliability research, stability research, and other industrial application engineering technologies required for mass production of medical devices.

Copyright: Jining Jianda Medical Device Technology Co., Ltd
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