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True medical design

publish:2024-04-30 11:51:48   views :12
publish:2024-04-30 11:51:48  

From general design to meticulous craftsmanship

Perhaps, the competition for details is the highest level of competition. Among the diverse categories of similar products in the market, consumers are more inclined to choose products with more beautiful shapes, more delicate details and industry. The detailed design of a product is reflected in two aspects: the external manifestation of design and the internal manifestation of design. The external aspect of design refers to the intuitive understanding of the product itself, which is the manifestation of its functionality. Intrinsic manifestation refers to the implicit content derived from a product, which involves various aspects such as design psychology, human-machine relationships, and cultural factors. The detailed design of industrial product design mainly aims to meet the deep psychological needs of consumers for texture.

From technical design to product concept design

The current market competition has already entered a white heat, and introducing new products has become the main means for enterprises to occupy the market. People's pursuit of a reasonable lifestyle and philosophy requires that products should not only stay on existing technology, but should be combined with people's existing lifestyle and philosophy, and studied based on potential demand trends.

Copyright: Jining Jianda Medical Device Technology Co., Ltd
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